Then, to create a track from within the Roto node, we simply right-click the shape and click planar-track this shape. I am very happy with that track. NOTE:  By default, when you create a PlanarTracker node a Roto node is connected to this input. NukeX 6.3 Planar Tracker Tutorial: Tracking with Chroma-Keys from The Foundry on Vimeo. Hello, I’m Dan Ring and welcome to the third tutorial on Nuke’s new PlanarTracker. What we are going to do here is simply track the floor and move our clean plate along with the track. Hold out mats can be used with a planar tracker so it'll ignore obstructions. Displays the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the plane in the Viewer. Replacing screens with virtual ones, or extending sets, are common planar tracking tasks. I will start by clearing all the track data to be saved (clear all track data) and then clicking track to end. Colour Schemes Color Grading Color … That’s already looking much better, but we're not done yet. This means I want 382 to be my reference frame, and we do this by starting our track at frame 382. Now, what I would like to do is insert this Nuke logo into our post track. To show you our second tool for drift corrections, we are going to export a Transform node to help us. Displays the coordinates of the outputTopLeft indicator in the Viewer. We can tweak it in, and it’s good to go. We can also use the grid to help us line up our surface. This is extremely useful when we have multiple track layers. For our needs, we want a CornerPin2D (absolute). So now our holdout track is done, let’s go back and re-track our boat layer. You can quickly place new 2D elements on a If you look at the logo, you can see a lot of features are being tracked here and are biasing the track. PlanarTracker finds the closest corner point in your footage and locks the feature point to it. I am going to draw a white border around the cable. Let’s clear the drawing handles and play this on a loop so we can see the comp better. We also have a Primatte node that I have already set up to pull a chroma key, and an Expression node for some hard cleanup. - [Steve Wright] Hi this is Steve Wright welcoming you to this week's Nuke Nugget. The Stabilize node applies the exact opposite transform to your footage, so it will make your footage look like it’s standing perfectly still. Planar Tracker: NUKE tutorial by Escape Studios. - browse to the previous and next keyframe. For things like inserting images and set extension, it is nearly always faster and easier to use a planar tracker as opposed to some sort of projection in a camera solve, for example. We now connect the PlanarTracker node’s Mask input to the Expression node, and we’re now ready to track. Increase the smoothness value to remove tracks that glitch over time. • CornerPin2D (absolute) - set the to positions to the corners of the planar surface, and the from positions to the dimensions of the currently selected node. In this comprehensive course, digital compositing pioneer and Nuke authority Steve Wright introduces this complex and powerful tool to visual effects artists new to Nuke. Sets the distribution of features in relation to each other. This concludes the fourth PlanarTracker tutorial. In this case, absolute means the input image will be fit into the bounds of the planar surface. Planar tracking is often better than tracking individual points (with the Tracker node for instance) as it takes a great deal more information into account and gives you a more accurate result. So that seems to look much better. As soon as we have done that, our track should look much better. In this inverted space, you can actually see the window drifting away from the planar surface. We open up the PlanarTracker node properties and set the Additional Input mask to Mask Inverted Alpha. You can use your tracking results to replace the tracked plane with another image for instance. .. Displays the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the plane in the Viewer. It’s important to note here that the behavior of the PlanarTracker’s additional input is different than that of the CameraTracker’s. I am going to create the PlanarTracker using the Roto node. This means you can use the same powerful workflows with both trackers and can always choose the one that is best suited for the job at hand. At this point, you might be tempted to say the cable does not fully occlude the boat, so why can’t you just track normally? I am also going to lock the tracking Bezier so we don’t accidentally select and move its control points. For example, let’s go to the last frame and move the right top-hand corner. We will get rid of the drawing handles and see how that track went. Now, that track of the sky looks really solid, and you can see how easy it was to specify the track region using a chroma key instead of using roto shapes. Scrubbing through the timeline we can see that the track for this point is actually quite good, however, around frame 35 -- just after the middle -- we can see that it starts to drift slightly downwards. So we'll start by adding our planar tracker.…So we'll select our read node,…go and hit Tab, and select planar tracker,…holding down the Shift key so that it…does a branch connect, like that,…which is what I was looking for.…We'll hook our viewer up to my planar tracker.…Make sure I'm on frame one.…And here is the super secret trick.…Notice that the motion is to the right, kay?…So it's panning to the right.… NOTE:  Jitter smoothing is not generally suited to heavy smoothing. We will also move it to a sensible place in the Node Graph to make it look a little less messy. This has two implications: one, that we are going to supply an alpha channel on the PlanarTracker node’s Mask input, and two, that by saying inverted mask, our track region will be specified where the pixel’s alpha is 0. You can adjust the indicator’s position by dragging it in the Viewer or by copying and pasting coordinates from other controls. NukeX 6.3 Planar Tracker Tutorial: Correcting Tracking Drift from The Foundry on Vimeo. This also means our Roto shape needs to have been drawn at frame 382, which I have already made sure to do so. Visual effects dominate at the box office, and Nuke is the compositing software that is used at high-end studios to create those mind-blowing effects. Another nice thing about this is that if the logo were moving, we could simply track it first because it’s in a tracking layer. But instead of using mocha Pro, you can also use MochaImport+ with the planar tracker that is integrated in NUKE. I have just remembered something that will probably affect the track, so I am going to stop it and go back to our original footage. We can see that the track is slightly better for that point, however, we want better tools to help us diagnose when our track is going wrong and then to make corrections a lot easier. You can quickly place new 2D elements on a. Efectos Visuales Tutoriales De Arte Alambre Animación Artículos 3d. Finally, let’s place our logo into the sky plane to see how we did. Let’s do that now. This is particularly useful on flat, featureless surfaces, such as the cable. This sets up a PlanarTrackLayer in the Roto curves panel and an associated PlanarTracker node. Let’s now close these property panels to get a better view. Our Tracker uses feature-based tracking; it tries to find the best tracks that agree with the plane the user has drawn, and from those it derives a planar track. This does not need to be perfect, it just needs to be on the floor somewhere. Now, let’s close our display handles and set the track to look so we can see it better. You can also drag-and-drop matrix values from another plane to apply those values, for example, if you wanted to align planes in a scene. the many ways that mocha Pro is the ideal assist utility for NUKE VFX pipelines . PlanarTracker can handle approximately 40% of the surface being covered at any one time, but if the plane is fully obscured, you can manually correct the plane by moving it to a frame where it is not obscured and resume tracking from there. I will start tracking and I will show you what I mean. Let’s see what happens if we try to track now. You will see that at the reference frame the planar surface is yellow. This is a special type of menu that is used to define what is being tracked. Planar vector tracker Nuke Software: Nuke Compositing Community and Resources; scripts, gizmos, plugins, tutorials If we scrub through the shot, you can see the surface has turned red for those strange frames. We connect that up, and we create our Merge node as usual. Warped surface tracking and roto that sticks. Smoothing works best for removing low-amplitude jitter, usually introduced by noisy images. This threshold controls how similar features look over a number of frames. The PlanarTrackerLayer is also the place where the results of the track are saved to. - add or remove a keyframe on the current frame. This is a common problem in tracking panning shots, where using the additional input of the PlanarTracker is very useful. Learn Nuke. In our example, we drew a shape for the top of the post. However, it is difficult if you want to track one specific corner. As we don’t want any transform on the reference frame, and we don’t want to place our clean plate inside the planar surface, we can select the CornerPin2D (relative). I will rename this layer holdout. Apart from looking very weird, it makes it very easy to look at, and correct, drift corrections. Increase this value to ensure track motion is locally consistent. When enabled, you can adjust the plane using the four output indicators in the Viewer. So because our holdout layer is on top, our holdout shape will mask out the logo from the floor shape beneath it. If you ever noticed your Nuke script size is large, the tracking data from CameraTracker can be one of the culprit. In this case, you can simply go to the new frame and click the set current frame to reference frame button. Displays the coordinates of the top left corner of the plane in the Viewer. Mar 17, 2015 - Introduction to The Foundry's NUKEX 6.3 Tutorials on Planar Tracker, by Dan Ring. PowerMesh enables a powerful new sub-planar tracking engine for VFX, roto, and stabilization. When enabled, jitter smoothing is applied to the planar surface corners. For more information, see. See, Use the Tracker controls in the Viewer to track your footage. I am going to draw a shape around the window I want to track, just a rough shape, right-click it, and click planar track forward. NOTE:  Frame-by-frame updates in Nuke’s interface can be expensive, and real-time playback can suffer as a result.The optimize Viewer during playback button in the Viewer tools stops updates elsewhere on the interface during RAM cache playback, helping to optimize the playback frame rate.See Using the Viewer Controls in the NukeGetting Started Guide for more information. When enabled, the current plane is displayed in the Viewer. This red color looks like the end of the track pushed this planar surface into an invalid state. To do this, I need to define where in the image I want the logo to be placed and then export my track data. We will start by drawing a shape to mask out the logo, being careful to draw it inside the Root layer. Now, let’s start the track. To see our composite, we connect this input up to our clean plate, and we merge it with our original shot. Here, I’m reigning in the surface, which tells the PlanarTracker to care only about the transform relative to the floor and not the entire scene. Specifies plane transformation from the reference frame to the current frame. So that track looks pretty good. We could also add more shapes to this layer if we wanted to hold out more things in this shot. To fix this, we are going to create a holdout for the cable. PlanarTracker is a powerful tool for tracking surfaces that lie on a plane in your source footage. Things like walls, ceilings, and sides of cars are good examples of planar surfaces, but it can also handle non-planar surfaces, such as faces or people -- generally, the more planar the surface, the better. Straight away, we can see that the cable wipes out the track. 5:49. I will also show you how to use additional track layers to create holdouts for tracks. Nuke | Wire Removal In RotoPaint . But instead of using mocha Pro, you can also use MochaImport+ with the planar track Going back to our cable track shape, you can tighten it out a bit and use it as a mask. When enabled, a track preview is displayed so you can tweak the tracking parameters before tracking. • Mask Luminance - use the luminance of the mask input to define the plane to track. Once it is created, we can start drawing the area we want to track straight away. It gets automatically linked up with PlanarTracker. Sets a threshold value between 0 and 1. Imagineer Systems posts a webinar replay that covered the basics and workflow for using Mocha Pro’s planar tracker and roto tools with The Foundry’s Nuke. Hi, I’m Dan Ring and welcome to the fourth tutorial on Nuke’s PlanarTracker. To do that, we create a new track layer. That concludes our third PlanarTracker tutorial. As in the previous tutorial, we will select our Read node and export a CornerPin using the absolute mode. Click to clear all tracking information forward of the current frame. This will hide all of the drawing overlays and make it easier to see our track. Click to set the planar surface to the bounds of the input image. • TSR + Shear - translation, scaling, rotation, and shear (move as if cutting through the scene). Thankfully this is easy to fix. We can see this track is sticking a lot tighter than before, and that concludes the fifth PlanarTracker tutorial. The Foundry's NukeX Tutorials on Planar Tracker: Correcting Tracking Drift, by Dan Ring. The size of plane is not important as the track relies on the amount of texture in the region - the more texture, the more features can be picked up, the better the track. If we scrub through the footage, we can see that the cable doesn't change its shape or orientation much. We want to make certain that our track is good, and not just in those four corners, but in the center of the track as well. So we are nearly done, however, if we look at our output, you will see the logo is appearing over the cable. Now, create a Merge node and connect it up, setting our input B to our Roto node and our input A to the CornerPin. Browse more videos. For more information, see, You can then use the plane you’ve tracked to trace another shape on the same plane, or proceed to place an image on the plane. • planar-track this shape (fwd) - Select this to track your shape while the track is played forwards. In this tutorial, I’m going to demonstrate how you might do some rig removal, using planar tracking and a background plate. Now let’s set the alpha component of the shape’s color to 0. If we want to, we can draw more shapes inside this layer, which will all contribute to the same track. If we look at the sides of the boat, we can see they are roughly on the same plane as the area we want to place our logo. PlanarTracker (NukeX only) is a powerful tool for tracking surfaces that lie on a plane in your source footage. Nov 8, 2014 - NUKE Planar Tracker Tutorial by Escape StudiosNUKE STUDIO and NUKEX’s Planar Tracker allows you to track areas in your image sequence that lie on a plane. Now let’s try something more difficult. The easiest way to do this is to select the new track layer from the layer selected, and then just start drawing. The way they work is that each track layer will hold out the track layers below it. You can also use your tracking results to replace the tracked plane with an image, or link to a GridWarp node to manually transform a warp or morph function. In this tutorial, we’re going to look at tracking multiple layers. Visual effects dominate at the box office, and Nuke is the compositing software that is used at high-end studios to create those mind-blowing effects. The amount of smoothing is controlled by the smoothing amount. Now, this track is starting to look a lot better, just apart from this logo here sneaking in. Often the real screen, or the area of set that needs to be extended, may have been filmed with a green screen in place. Sets the number of features you want to track in each frame - ideally you should use more than 100 tracks per frame. In this comprehensive course, digital compositing pioneer and Nuke authority Steve Wright introduces this complex and powerful tool to visual effects artists new to Nuke. In this comprehensive course, digital compositing pioneer and Nuke authority Steve Wright introduces this complex and powerful tool to visual effects artists new to Nuke. Let’s look at the planar surface to see what’s going on. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how we can use back layering to get a better track. Click to track forward through a range of frames specified using the frame range control. The next evolution of Mocha. For the most part both of them have planar tracking … We then set the Mask input to our final Crop node, and from this we can start tracking. Sets the distribution of features over the input image. So, as in previous tutorials, we can go back to the reference frame and move the planar surface corners closer to the region we are tracking to fix this. Il Planar Tracker di NUKE STUDIO e NUKEX consente di monitorare le aree della vostra sequenza. In particular, we are going to export a Stabilize node and connect it to the Viewer. • Mask Alpha - use the mask input alpha channel to define the plane to track. Particularly, if you look to the top right or the top left of the planar surface. Hello, I’m Dan Ring and welcome to the third tutorial on Nuke’s new PlanarTracker. PlanarTracker (NukeX only) is a powerful tool for tracking surfaces that lie on a plane in … In this shot, I want to track this window here, but I know that the window is difficult to track because of the reflections, motion blur, and lens distortion. For our setup, we are going to select Mask Inverted Alpha. Track complex organic surfaces through occlusions and blur using Mocha’s intuitive layer-based interface. Follow. Notice the planar surface changes to a cyan color when it has a keyframe. Free Motion Quilting Color Correction Maya Color Schemes. NOTE:  Each of the exports also has a bake option which copies the values of the keyframes out, instead of creating expression links. Now, when we scrub backwards and forwards, we should see this corner tracking a bit better. We can do this from our toolbar, again, making sure the post layer is selected. Sometimes it happens that you may need to change your reference frame, for example, if an artist drew a Roto or made a clean plate for a frame other than your reference frame. Vídeo tutorial que visa mostrar a utilização das principais ferramentas do operador Planar Tracker para a execução de um processo… Tutorial Planar Tracker (The Foundry Nuke) on Vimeo Join • A value of 0 disables smoothing, while a value of 1 is maximum smoothing. • Perspective - the camera to changes perspective freely. Sets the node type to export the track data: • CornerPin2D (relative) - warp the image according to the relative transform between the current frame and the reference frame. This displays what is called the planar surface, shown here in blue. Then scrub in the timeline to make sure the results stick as they should. Hello, my name is Dan Ring, and in this tutorial I’m going to show you how to use the new PlanarTracker found in Nuke 6.3. A rigid surface, like a wall or a side of an object, are good planes to track. Create a PlanarTracker node, and connect your footage to the, Draw your roto shape in Roto. This usually happens on these kind of shots when the camera is moving into the scene. To start, we need to assess the damage. If we wanted, we could repeat this process of moving reference frame corners and tweaking them elsewhere as much as we want, each time improving the track. That all looks pretty good, so let’s throw in our logo and we are good to go. You can see as we make a correction the Stabilize re-snaps the transform back into place. In this shot, we have a very slow pan from the sky to the ground. Notice that the shape outline is colored purple to indicate it is in a track layer and will be used to define a region. You can adjust the indicator’s position by dragging it in the Viewer or by copying and pasting coordinates from other controls. We actually have two tools to help us see and correct for drift. We are nearly ready to track, but first we are going to set up our export node, so we can see the results as we are tracking. Notice that only the blue sky and cloud regions are being tracked. I will rename this layer post. We can also turn on display grid lines to help us line up the window perfectly. I will also close all of the properties panels. Right, so the tracking is finished, and if we scrub back and forth across the timeline, we can see it has done a very good job. I can also see that there’s not much change in perspective of the front of the boat over the course of the shot. This already makes drift much easier to see and is perfect for most cases. Click to move the playhead to the tracker's reference frame. We can see here that there is a nice blue sky here with clouds, which would be perfect to pull a chroma key from, and this is exactly what we have done with the Primatte node here. In this shot, we want to track the top section of this post here. When we created the PlanarTracker, you will notice it also created a Roto node as well, this is to allow very tight integration of planar tracking with Roto. Here, I am drawing as much of the floor as I can and just a tiny bit extra. To see how the track went, we can display and move our planar surface on the reference frame, and then scrub through the timeline. Ordinarily in Roto land, we can simply paint a couple of mask shapes over our first shape. First, I will show you what happens if we try to track the boat without using layers. It’s time to fix this track, and we do this by moving the planar surface corners when they are not on the reference frame. In this comprehensive course, digital compositing pioneer and Nuke authority Steve Wright introduces this complex and powerful tool to visual effects artists new to Nuke. This means anything we put in the layer will be affected by the track. To see our composited result, we need to add a Merge node between the CornerPin and the input sequence. This means that we can lock the planar apparent motion type to T + Scale, meaning it will only track changes in translation and scale, and usually results in a much better track. This allows you to use the Tracker's transform functions to stabilize, reduce jitter, and so on. • Mask Inverted Alpha - use the inverted mask input alpha channel to define the plane to track. Now, if we go back to the Merge node, we can set the mask to rgba.alpha, and if we connect that to the Viewer, we should see that we have a nice holdout. High values spread features at even distances over the image. You can see the Roto shape moved with the correction. To give the features on the boat a decent buffer zone, and I am going to rename the layer to cable. It’s very useful for clean up, face replacement, digital makeup and other tasks that require… Simple to use and faster than most optical flow-based techniques. You can either use an existing alpha channel, for example the result of a chroma key, or you can define the region to track by creating and animating roto shapes. You can use your tracking results to replace the tracked plane with another image for instance. However, the PlanarTracker system has its own way of creating holdouts. So, now let’s look at the alpha channel of our Roto node. MochaImport+ for NUKE simplifies using the tracking software mocha Pro with NUKE. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to use additional inputs in planar tracking. We now go back to our reference frame and adjust our planar surface to where we want to place our logo. You can adjust the indicator’s position by dragging it in the Viewer or by copying and pasting coordinates from other controls. Now let’s click the track to end button and watch it go. We can also create whole new track layers, ready for drawing and tracking. I’m going to start by demonstrating just how quick and easy it is to create a planar track, and then go into some of the basics of the PlanarTracker. This means we can lock our planar apparent motion type to TSR + Shear. All we need to do is go to our reference frame and adjust our planar surface (correct plane). Sets the threshold for consistent track generation. Clear Tracks: Clear all tracking data. We look at all these in detail in later tutorials. Displays the coordinates of the outputTopRight indicator in the Viewer. FaceTracker is a Nuke node for facial tracking designed to work with models built with FaceBuilder. It’s also used to define where to place images in the scene. Now, remember in the previous tutorial I mentioned the concept of a reference frame, internally the transforms and other frames are calculated relative to the reference frame. Now we are free to move the corners to where we want to place our image. That frame looks pretty good; let’s see how we did. Displays the coordinates of the top right corner of the plane in the Viewer. This is now tracking much better in the middle of the shot, but if we look at the beginning, there seems to be something funny happening. We start by creating a PlanarTracker from the Transform menu. It helps expand the alpha channel pixels, so we don't have any features being tracked on the cranes. Click to track forward to the last frame of the sequence. NUKE Planar Tracker Tutorial, The Foundry, Planar Tracker: NUKE tutorial by Escape Studios, NUKE STUDIO and NUKEX’s Planar Tracker, NUKE Planar, NUKE Planar Tracker, NUKE, The Foundry NUKE Planar Tracker, The Foundry NUKE Planar, The Foundry NUKE, NUKE STUDIO, NUKEX. The idea here is to try to track the sky in order to put a logo onto it. Instead of using the node menu to create a PlanarTracker, we are going to start with a Roto node and draw the shape of the area we want to track. If we want, we can use the grid to help us line up our corners. It also works for many layers at a time. As it’s not moving, we don’t need to do anything else with this track layer. For example, we want to see how well this part of the window frame tracks over time, and make sure that it also keeps as good a lock as the corners do. To solve this, we need to hold this logo out from the shot. MochaImport+ for NUKE simplifies using the tracking software mocha Pro with NUKE. 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