In Evolution ofAfrican Mammals, ed. The fossil is the property of the University of Thessaloniki, Greece (catalogue number XIR-1). (Suppl. J. Phvs. An intermediate pattern, with an incisive aperture that is not as large as that of Old World monkeys nor as small as that of orangutans and chimpanzees, combined with minimal or no overlap of the front edge of the palatal process of the maxilla and the back edge of the subnasal alveolar process, is seen in the early Miocene ape Rang- wapithecus (132) and some individuals of Hylobates (91) and Gorilla (133). Afr Stud. ~enef; BR, 'Mc~rossin ML. Where have Miocene hominoid fossils been found? Soc. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Evol. 1983. 76: 449-62, Lartet E. 1856. Resemblance to the tooth shape of modern gorillas indicates that the 8-ma Samburu palate may be a potential candidate for membership in the African ape and human clade. Evidently, the first Miocene hominoid to possess a supraorbital torus is Ouranopithecus, the approximately 9-ma hominoid from central Macedonia (40). Apes are represented in the later part of the middle Miocene in Europe and Asia Minor by a poorly known genus, Griphopithecus, considered by us to include Austriacopithecus from Klein Hadersdorf (1, 4, 139). New primate fossils from the middle Miocene of Maboko Island, Kenya. The diversity of apes seems to have declined during the Ouranopithecus appears to exhibit derived cranial features, such as the presence of a supraorbital torus, that are shared with modern African apes. Yearb. Consequently, the fossil record supports a very recent date for the emergence of the last common ancestor of all modern apes, as advocated by proponents of the molecular clock since the 1960s (111). Rather than being large and spherical as in modern apes, the Kenyapithecus humeral head is quite flat proximally and is low as in semiterrestrial Old World monkeys. J. Phys. Not until later stages of the early Miocene are fossil apes found outside of Africa (7, 48, 79, 82). Hum. respectively. Am. A species of Dryopithecus was described recently from China, but the basis of this record is a very poorly preserved lower jaw collected from Wudu many years ago and originally identified as an Old World monkey (138). Rev. Java considers the variables number and NuMbEr to be identical. Much progress has recently been made, but further hominoid specimens, coupled with environmental information from well‐calibrated sequences, is necessary to elucidate the nature and causes of cladistic branching within the superfamily. The field of Miocene hominoid paleoanthropology has profited from an unprecedented spate of new discoveries. 1991. Sem Geol. Texas Press, Kay RF, Simons EL. New Interpretations of Ape and Human Ancestry. See Ref. Fossil Mamm. Such molarization is most conspicuous in Paranthropus, and to a lesser extent in A. afarensis, where substantial development of the talonid cusps has occurred. The absence of derived hominid traits in the Aramis dp3 indicates either that protohominids retained a conservative morphology similar to that of Kenyapithecus and Dryopithecus or that the Aramis remains do not represent a true hominid. 1992. 1976.Ramapithecus in Kenya and Turkey. 1994. White and associates (135) claim a hominid status for the Aramis remains, but the absence of hindlimb remains diagnostic of bipedal locomotion renders this interpretation problematic. 1961. Stratigraphic Setting. Anthropol. Anew Mio- cene small-bodied ape from Kenya. Acad. 92:329-70. Anthropol. In terms of their femoral head and neck morphology, Kenyapithecus and the Eppel- sheim Dryopithecus most closely resemble those of ceboids and hominoids (88). 12345. 1991. In this feature Kenyapithecus resembles semiterrestrial vervet monkeys and macaques (88) and differs from modern apes and arboreal monkeys, which have a humeral head that projects above the level of the greater tubercle. PhD thesis. 5): L. keiyuanensis Because of their past scarcity, limb bone remains of middle-to-late Miocene large-bodied apes traditionally played a relatively minor role in discussions of their family tree relationships and adaptations (18). 1934. On the relationships and adaptations of Kenyapithecus, a large-bodied hominoid from the middle Miocene of eastern Africa. 146-77. Boschetto HB, Brown FH, McDougall I. Modeling human ori- gins: Are we sexy because we're smart, or smart because we're sexy? Ramapithecus wickeri mandible from Fort Ternan, Kenya. Two new fossil primates from the lower Miocene of Kenya. The humeral head of Kenyapithecus is "monkey-like" and differs from that of all modern hominoids in that it is directed backward for articulation with a ventrally (toward the stomach) directed scapular glenoid fossa, among other features. 62-103. It is the farthest south that it has been found. A large number of mammalian fossils have been found in the Chiang Muan Mine, including the earliest known hominoid from the Miocene of Southeast Asia. Thepostcranial skele- ton of Paracolobus chemeroni. In The Baboon in Medical Research, ed. However, robust zygomatics are also characteristic of Afropithecus, primitive Old World monkeys, and basal Old World higher primates. At the elbow joint, modern ape and hominid distal humeri have a wide trochlea for articulation with the ulna and a lateral trochlear ridge that separates the trochlea from the rounded capitulum, which articulates with the radius (3). In Comparative Primate Biology: Systematics, Evolution and Anatomy, ed. Postilla 181:l-94, 102.Pilbeam DR, Rose MD, Barry JC, Shah SMI. For example, the early Miocene hominoid Proconsul was viewed as an ancestor of the gorilla and chimpanzee (35, 98, 116, 128). In press, Morbeck ME. In Integrative Paths to the Past: Paleoanthropological Advances in Honor of E Clark Howell, ed. J.Phys. Sci. 1:l-117, Le Gros Clark WE, Thomas DP. Am. 21:413-24, 119.Stirton RA, Savage DE. 260:74-82, 129.Ward CV, Walker A, Teaford ME 1991. 1990. New York: Liss 132.Ward SC, Kimbel WH. Information resulting from these new finds has radically changed our understanding of the relationships of Miocene and recent apes. Hist.) [From New Latin Hominoīdea, superfamily name : Homō, type genus (from Latin homō, homin-, man; see homo1) + -oīdea, neuter pl. Knuckle-walking and the evolution of hominoid hands. Nature 257:578-81, Lancaster JB. Phyletic diversity and locomotion in primitive European homi- nids. The thin enamel of Gorilla and Pan, combined with their large occlusal basins and cusp tips positioned at the edges of their molar crowns, reflect their diets, neither of which requires an emphasis on grinding surfaces. ), Benefit BR. New hominoid specimens from the middle Miocene site at kasalar, Turkey. Evol. Evol. PalAsiat. Rates of albumin evolution in primates. Most of the features shared by Sivapithecus and Pongo were thought to be derived (that is, evolu- tionarily new, as opposed to "primitive"). AMiocene gibbon-like primate from Shihhung, Kiangsu Province. DR Begun, CV Ward, MD Rose. DISTRIBUTION OF MIOCENE HOMINOID FOSSILS IN SPACE AND TIME. Such an articulation is most effective for moving the arm forward and backward in quadrupedal primates. Largely owing to the scarcity of fossil hominoid remains from African deposits dating between 11 and 5 ma, we currently lack intermediate transitional forms between the semit- errestrial quadrupedalism of Kenyapithecus and the fully terrestrial bipedalism of Australopithecus. Begun DR. 1992. 22:47-71, Cerling TE, Quade J, Ambrose SH, Sikes NE. Fossils of H. erectus have been found in India, China, Java, and Europe, and were known in the past as “Java Man” or “Peking Man.” H. erectus had a number of features that were more similar to modern humans than those ofH. a. Stratigraphy b. Dendrochronology ... What is meant by the cultivation continuum? C. R. Acad. Na, 136.Wu RK. Am. These proposed relationships were contradicted by results from comparative immunology (i.e. Locomotor anatomy of Miocene hominoids. Paris 43: 2i9-23, Leakey RE, Leakey MG. 1986. Anthropol. 1986. The most striking new information about the upper limb anatomy of large- bodied Miocene hominoids comes from the discovery of humeral remains of Kenyapithecus and Sivapithecus. In Comparative Primate Biology: Systematics, Evolu- tion andAnatomy, ed. Afi: (BI: Mus. Vert. 577-624, Kelley J, Pilbeam D. 1986. The greater tubercle (a bony process for insertion of the rotator cuff muscles) is large, anterolaterally placed, and extends above the level reached by the articular surface of the humeral head. DeKalb: North. 1993.The permanent dentition and phylogenetic position of Victoriapithecus from Maboko Island, Kenya. Bogota 7:345-56, 120.Straus WL. Proconsul (128-130) and Kenyapithecus (28, 58, 88, 91) from the early and middle Miocene, respec- tively, of Kenya; Dryopithecus from the late Miocene of Hungary (67, 68) and Spain (94); Sivapithecus from the late Miocene of Pakistan (102, 118); and Ouranopithecus from the late Miocene of Greece (40). 3:l-27, Lewis GE. Evol. A hominoid proximal humerus from the early Miocene of Rusinga Island, Kenya. 1994. Hominid upper limb bones recovered from the Hadar Formation: 1974-1977 col- lections. Anthropol. Insight into the possible origin of the modern great ape lower jaw shape, including the evolution of the simian shelf, is provided by a nearly complete subadult lower jaw of Kenyapithecus found at Maboko Island (Kenya) in 1988 (90). In addition to studies concentrating on family tree relationships, there have been several reconstructions of the environments in which Miocene ape fossils are found (10, 33, 60, 113, 134). New York: Plenum. 1967. For over a century, a Neogene fossil mammal fauna has been known in the Irrawaddy Formation in central Myanmar. Not until later stages of the early Miocene are fossil apes found outside of Africa (7, 48, 79, 82). We can picture the early Miocene East Africa. R. Soc. A well preserved and remarkably complete skeleton of the springhare Megapedetes pentadactylus was also prepared out of a block from a small excavation in area 1. A partial skeleton of Proconsul nyanzae from Mfangano Island, Kenya.Am . The African apes are more closely related to members of another family (i.e. Thus, although substantial advancements in our under- standing have been made in recent years, bridging the gap between Miocene hominoids and hominid origins remains a major challenge for future research. J. Hum. This may have been a factor in the origin and development of the hominid clade. 1988. Anthrouol. Such adaptations may have characterized the last common ancestor of Kenyapi- thecus and modern hominoids or may have been acquired independently by Miocene hominoids and the ancestors of modern apes in response to similar dietary requirements. Ciochon RL, Corruccini RS, eds. 1994. In contrast, the proximal ulna of Oreopithecus has a greatly reduced olecranon process as in extant apes (56). The hominoid- like patella of Kenyapithecus probably characterized the ancestor of living Old World higher primates, whereas the apparently long (proximodistally), narrow (mediolaterally), and thick (anteroposteriorly) patellar proportions of extant Old World monkeys are derived (88, 92). The thin molar enamel and third molar reduc- tion of Otavipithecus are reminiscent of conditions seen in modern chimpan- zees. ), tral facial morphology of Old World higher. Modern hominoids also share a greatly reduced ulnar olecranon process, which allows full exten- sion at the elbow joint. 1979. distribution of miocene hominoid fossils in space and time During initial stages of their evolution, apes seem to have been restricted to the continent of Africa. 20:515-20, Hill A. It has been claimed that Dryopithecus possesses an incipient supraorbital torus that could have been a precursor to the brow ridges in African apes (20). The foot of Oreo$thecus: evolutionary assessment. Nature 244:313-14, 126.Walker A, Pickford M. 1983. See Ref. The hunt for Proconsul. 13: 503-16 106.Rose MD. Nature, Andrews P. 1971. Com- parative assessment of the ischial morphol- ogy of Mctoriapithecus macinnesi. However, until more substantial skull and especially limb bone fossils of these genera are found, these apparent affinities must remain tantalizing possibilities. Description and recon- struction of the skull of Rudapithecus hun- garicus Kretzoi (Mammalia). 1975. Nut. J. Phys. The evolution of baboons. J. Hum. Am. 1988.Evolution of the ischi- a1 spine and of the pelvic floor in the Hominoidea. Evolutionary History of the Primates. Abh. This is the first-ever discovery of a Sivapithecus fossil outside the Siwaliks. Am. New York: Prentice Hall, Hill A, Ward SC. Hist.) 9:7-25, McCown, pp. J.Phys. Schweiz. Origin of the Hominidae: the record of African large hominoid evolution between 14 My and 4 My. Areassessment of the relationship between later Miocene and subsequent Hominoidea. First discovery of Dlyopithecus in East China. New hominid skull mate- rial from the late Miocene of Macedonia in Northern Greece. For example, Miocene apes of very uncertain relationship to modern taxa (e.g. New York: Plenum, of Uganda. True or false? Siciang Zhanxian (J. Yunnan Univ.) 5:55-61, Abel 0. 124.Tuttle RH. Aiello L,Dean C. 1990.An Introduction to Human Evolutionary Anatomy. Dryopithecus) have been attributed to the Family Hominidae (18). Although the transition from life in the trees to life on the ground is deeply embedded in models of human evolution as a primary motive force in human origins, among African large-bodied apes this change occurred approximately 15 million years ago and is not directly linked with the advent of bipedalism or colonization of grassland environments 3-4 million years ago. Chicago: Aldine. 59:175-93, Galdikas BMF, Teleki G. 1981. 1986. Maboko Island and the evolutionary his- tory of Old World monkeys and apes. Anthropol. Fossil evidence for the dietary evolution of Old World monkeys. As for extant great apes, the area where the two halves of the lower jaw join (the symphysis) in middle Miocene apes has at its base a distinct simian shelf (inferior transverse torus) that extends further backward than the relatively weak superior transverse torus, and a backward-facing genial pit. Middle and late Miocene large-bodied hominoids from Africa and Eurasia share a number of lower jaw and tooth traits that appear to be derived toward the great ape condition relative to early Miocene genera, including Proconsul. RS Corruccini, RL Ciochon, pp. Hence, the ridge may be indicative of digitigrade hand postures in a broad sense, including both the dorsal digitigrady of knuckle-walking apes and the palmar digitigrady of semiterrestrial Old World monkeys. 11:96-98, Hopwood AT. Postilla 57:l-10 115.Simons EL. 21: 295-306, Conroy GC. In Pongo, Pan, and most individuals of Gorilla, in contrast, the incisive opening is constricted, forming a true incisive canal, and the subnasal alveolar process "overrides the anterior edge of the hard palate, producing an overlapping relationship between these two elements" (133). Am. Of the large-bodied hominoids, substantial femoral remains are known for Proconsul, Kenyapithecus, and Dryopithecus (77,88, 108,130). Nut. the molecular clock), which indicated that the last common ancestor of all living hominoids originated between 15 and 12 million years ago (ma), whereas humans diverged from gorillas and chimpanzees about 5 ma (1 10, 111). Well studied continental exposures occur in the North American Great Plains and in Argentina . J. Hum. 1972. Old World monkeys, most gibbons, so-called small-bodied apes of the early Mio- cene, Proconsul, and Afropithecus have a broad incisive opening that is not overlapped by the back edge of the subnasal alveolar process (133). Ramapithecus: a review of its hominid status. It is during the late … Nature, Andrews P, Hamilton WR, Whybrow PJ. The first approach draws on information from the comparative anatomy, behavior, and genetic composition of living apes and humans (46, 65,70, 100, 110). Although little fossil evidence existed, the Ramapithecus chimera was claimed to share several features with humans (6, 14, 116, 117, 125). The facial skele- ton of Sivapithecus indicus. Miocene hominoid post- cranial morphology: monkey-like, apelike, neither or both? The configuration of the incisive canal has been used to support assignment of Kenyapithecus and Dryopithecus to the clade that gave rise to Gorilla, Pan, and Homo (20,57). Hominoid evolution and hominid origins. Lanedon JH. RH Tuttle, pp. 1994. 1971. J. Phys. n. A member of the Hominoidea. Unlike early Miocene apes, Kenyapithecus (go), Griphopithecus (123), Sivapithecus (131), and Ouranopithecus (41) lower jaws are as robust as those of extant great apes. Folia Primatol. Ann. Because molar cingula are more frequently preserved in Griphopithecus (4) and Dryopithecus from St. Gaudens (73), their teeth appear to be less derived toward the modern condition. Fossil Mamm. Begun DR. 1989.Alarge pliopithecine mo- lar from Germany and some notes on the Pliopithecinae. An oreopithecid proximal humerus from the middle Mio- cene of Maboko Island, Kenya. The presence of these features in some Oligocene and Miocene Old World higher primates seems to be related to the combination of a small brain together with a large temporal muscle. 1987. Kexue Tongbao34:223-29, 139.Zapfe H. 1960. Size distributions of liv- ing and fossil primate faunas. 33a, pp. › 331647082 › anthro-chapter-8-quiz-part-1-flash-cards The oldest known apes derive from the latest Oligocene (26 ma) site of Losidok in northern Kenya (32) and from the earliest Miocene (23 ma) site of Meswa Bridge in western Kenya (8). 279-304. Am. J. We here report the occurrence of a Late Miocene hominoid in Niger, associated with a restricted fauna which indicates an age of c. 11–8 Myr. In Back-. Hominoid postcranial specimens from the middle Miocene Chinji Formation, Pakistan. Am. DT Rasmussen, pp. Although normally showing a strong deltopectoral crest and anterior curvature of the proximal humerus shaft in adults, juvenile Old World monkeys manifest a straight shaft and faintly marked deltopectoral crest. : paleoanthropological Advances in Honor of E Clark Howell, ed ~udaban~a Kretzoi. Misapplication of this term has led to further abuses Miocene hominoid fossils of these genera are found these... A strong transverse dorsal ridge prevents hyperextension at the metacarpo-phalangeal joint during these forms of locomotion, body size bioenergetics! Nature 345:712-14, De Bonis L, Bouvrain G, Geraads D, Koufos G... Size, bioenergetics, and Pa- leoecology, ed and humerus length are seen in Oreopithecus Hylobates.: Le Gros Clark we, collected from Maboko Island, Kenya and number to be identical Twitter on., 120 ) 345:712-14, De Bonis L, Pickford, Andrews P, Martin L Melentis. 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L-293, 140.Zhang XY, Zhang L, Dean c. 1990.An Introduction to evolutionary... Hussain ST. 1992 Miocene deposits are common worldwide with marine outcrops common modern... Worldwide with marine outcrops common near modern shorelines 1990.An Introduction to Human evolutionary Anatomy X, E.... This Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Plus on Google+ « Prev.. As well as in extant apes ( 56 ) JR, Davis PR Geraads! Variation in subsistence activities of male and female pongids: new perspectives on the relationships and adaptations hominid. Of Africa ( 7, 48, 79, 82 ) family tree relationships of Miocene large homi- noids of. Floor in the origin and evolution ofHumans and Humanness, ed... what is meant by the cultivation continuum,.: Louis Leakey and the great apes including humans the systematic po- sition of Sivapithecus to.! 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