For example, someone working as a GS-4 is typically a student or an intern. An advantage of the factor-comparison methods that jobs of unlike nature – for example, manual, clerical and supervisory – may be evaluated with same set of factors. Each level in the grade/category structure has a description and associated job titles. This is non-quantifiable and subjective, but is a basic simple approach, says Strand. 3. Job evaluation reviews the job rates. Methods The next step in the job evaluation process is to select or design a method of evaluating jobs. Highly Skilled. Under this system, the job raters simply rank one job … The worth of a job is then obtained by adding together all the point values. The purpose of conducting job evaluation is to fairly determine the … Job classification method is a non-quantitative method for job evaluation. 1. For example, the positions of treasurer and accountant would be in one class because they both require working with economic data. Second, serious doubts are expressed about the range of points allotted and matching them with the job grades. At least two defects are noticed in the point system. The easiest way to understand the job classification method is to look at positions in the federal government where classification and pay is based on the grade of the job. The advantages of the job-classification method include its simplicity and inexpensiveness. Job Evaluation: Classification Jobs are classified into an existing grade/category structure or hierarchy. The job classification method is less subjective when compared to the earlier ranking method. Each succeeding grade reflects a higher level of skill and responsibility, with less and less supervision. The classification of a position is decided by comparing the … Methods used for job evaluations include the job ranking method, the classification method, the point-factor method and factor comparison method. Four basic methods have traditionally been used: ranking, classification, factor comparison, and point-rating. Merits: The main merits of grading method of job evaluation are as follows: i. Job-evaluation cannot be scientific though it is … In a larger organization, it is more complex to use, but sometimes it can still work if jobs are grouped by job families—professional level, etc. After completing my post graduation I thought to start a website where I can share management related concepts with rest of the people. 10 Qualities of a Strategic Leader, 10 Popular Ways to Love Physical Education as Homeschoolers. Job evaluation methods 1. The worth of each job is determined on the basis of its factors and not by considering the job as a whole. Moreover, Job Evaluation methods play a vital role in the success of an organization by providing management power and systematic functioning of the hired employees. Sample job classification plan Grade Title O Director N Assistant Director of Legal Services Assistant Director of Administration Budget and Fiscal Section Manager M Legislative Research Manager Program Evaluation Manager School Finance Manager L Information Technology Manager Legislative Information Officer Principal Legislative Analyst Each job is assigned to the grade/category providing the closest match to the job. %���� It is based on the job as a whole.The difference between the two is that in the ranking method, there is no yardstick for evaluation, while in the classification method, there is such an yardstick in the form of job classes or grades. The evaluation committee assesses the worth of each job on the basis of its title or on its contents, if the latter are available. (iii) more job classification schedules need to be prepared because the same schedule cannot be used for all types of jobs. It is hard to measure whole jobs. stream Job Classification or Grading Method. Under this method different jobs within an organization are ascertained and divided into various grades. Separate classes may include office, clerical, managerial, personnel, etc. First, all jobs may first be ranked and their natural classes may be determined.