Two Sith frigates moved into the debris field, and the Rockhound attempted to stop them with its tractor beams. This was the common cause for their alliance. So, Anakin Sal-Solo was built to utilize the late Jedi's fingerprints and brain waves, in the hopes that Centerpoint would respond. During the confrontation, Luke and several Sith fought Abeloth together. Ben Skywalker approached him after the meeting and insisted that he accompany his father during his time away from the Order. To Luke's dismay, Ben and Vestara's bond continued to grow despite Vestara's multiple betrayals, eventually evolving into a romantic relationship after Vestara was forced to kill her father and turned to the light side. Solo lied to Skywalker, saying that Dinn was killed by Force phantoms and that Lumiya died of her injuries. Skywalker, lean from starvation, weighed his options, coming to the conclusion that cannibalizing Kiara was the most logical choice, but refused to do so. They landed in the city of Dor'shan, and after an inspection of their ship they went to the Baran Do temple. However, she replied that she had placed a tracking device on Stadd and let him go free so that they could follow him to Abeloth. The Solos attempted to give chase, but were not able to catch up to the Doomsled. The bounty hunter who was detained was named Ailyn Habuur, and Skywalker was present at her interrogation. Masters At the heart of the Skywalker saga's final installment is the relationship between Rey and Ben Solo, the leader of the First Order known as Kylo Ren. [25] Skywalker was also skilled in telepathy and was talented in reading a person's intentions through the Force. [26], Caedus imprisoned Skywalker after the attack and placed him in the Embrace of Pain. Upon their arrival, however, they found that the space station had been completely destroyed. His father easily evaded Skywalker's lightsaber attacks, despite Skywalker using all the tricks that he could to force his father to use his lightsaber, including playing dead after taking a particularly nasty fall. Sarasu Taalon was convinced by Abeloth to aid her. Skywalker realized that whoever destroyed the Y-wing and the Blacktooth was following them. Upon escaping the plant, they soon found themselves in the streets of the Adumari city of Cartann, with an Adumari fighter in hot pursuit. Anor was set free once the meeting was concluded, and Skywalker and his parents returned to his birthplace, the Errant Venture. She also told Solo that his former mentor, Vergere, was a Sith as well and had sacrificed herself to make sure that Solo would become a Dark Lord of the Sith. Ben confirmed this and she made him promise not to tell either Taalon or her father that she told him about this. Skywalker exited the Temple through an emergency door which had had its emergency alarm disabled by Dorvald. [25], Despite his natural talent with the Force, Skywalker's ability with a lightsaber was rather lacking due to never having properly trained in a Jedi Academy; during their sparring match in the Jedi Temple Skywalker was not able to make his father activate his lightsaber, and his father surmised that he had seen Rontos (Jedi students who were mostly between the ages of eight and ten years old) who were better with a lightsaber. [20], In 29 ABY, the Galactic Alliance military forces began a great push toward Coruscant, toward taking back the Core and defeating the extra-galactic invaders once and for all. Solo was caught in an anti-Jedi trap baited by Thrackan Sal-Solo, Solo's relative and the Head of State of Corellia, who had ordered that Centerpoint Station be reactivated. Tadar'Ro took them to a house created for Jorj Car'das, a former smuggler who had once stayed with the Aing-Tii, where they were to live while learning with the Aing-Tii. From this, Skywalker inferred that they were meant to fly between two of the Maw's black holes, in a path known as Stable Zone One. Still, Ben was wary of Vestara and her motivations. Skywalker has also played a major role in the Fate of the Jedi series. [23] Skywalker loved Mara Jade very much and often trusted her with sensitive information, such as his treatment at the hands of Jacen Solo and his cousin's association with Lumiya[25] rather than his father, who he, in a way, feared. Sal-Solo pulled it away, examining it to make sure it was not a blaster disguised as a holocam. Defeated, Caedus returned to Coruscant, where Shevu had returned to duty by Caedus' side. Skywalker, however, repeatedly failed these simulations, causing Solo to doubt whether Skywalker should take part in the mission. Ben Solo's redemption prior to his death led to his body disappearing, as has been seen with past Force-wielding heroes. Skywalker and Dinn were then suddenly attacked by a swarm of mynocks, but quickly realized that the mynocks were nothing more than projections of the Force, although they were still dangerous. Although Saal was Ben's senior in fighting experience, Ben prevailed, and in doing so, he proved that the Hidden Ones had lost their spirit and strength of purpose. During the first wave, he and Dyon attacked a few rancors that were attacking the rear and were later helped by Vestara. Sel informed the group that Abeloth's Ship had been spotted near Bleak Point Station. Thus, Skywalker went to Galactic City's Corellian Quarter, which he found in a state of chaos. Ben was able to hold them off while his father killed one of Abeloth's bodies. Although several Jedi were killed and Kam and Tionne Solusar were gravely injured, the GAG force was defeated. Having successfully gotten onto the 215th floor without being detected, Skywalker raced to the Amulet's display case only to find that the Amulet was not there. Skywalker had indeed formed a bond with the GAG members during his time with them. Homeworld He agreed, and they went to check on Dyon Stadd in the medbay. He followed it into Hapan space, where his mother was busy in a skirmish with Jacen Solo on the planet Kavan. Skywalker was wary of the idea at first, believing that it would only lead to further violence, but obliged. His father dropped his lightsaber to the ground, and when Skywalker picked it up and examined it, he found that Luke couldn't activate it as the lightsaber lacked a power cell. Luke reluctantly allowed him to, and Skywalker packed up his belongings and said his farewells to his friends and family. This was justified by one of the highest ranking GAG members, Captain Lon Shevu, by saying that not all threats to domestic security were Corellian. Skywalker reluctantly decided to accompany him and Dinn.[1]. When the Yuuzhan Vong launched t… Caedus fled the scene, and the Skywalkers escaped the Anakin Solo. Gejjen went on to propose secret negotiations between the Confederation—an alliance of several systems mainly headed by Corellia—and the Galactic Alliance, to take place on Vulpter, an offer that Omas accepted. What he found was SD-XX, who had evidently followed him to Nova Station. Skywalker checked all of the objects on his belt for a tracking device and found it inside his belt pouch. Skywalker then got transport to a minor spaceport about four hundred kilometers away from the Jedi Temple and boarded a shuttle destined for Drewwa. [7], The visit to the Fleet Command Center did not take as much time as Skywalker expected, and he was still curious about desperately curious about state of the Corellians that he had encountered on his study task earlier. Having finished their examination of the artifacts, the Skywalkers returned to Tadar'Ro, telling him that what they had to say should be told to all the Aing-Tii together. In their invasion of the galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong took to using a variety of creatures native to their own galaxy. [30], When they arrived at Abeloth's planet, Vestara sensed Ship and could tell that he was unhappy serving Abeloth. However, Skywalker was only two years old at the time, and protested that he could not remember that far back. At the … Confused, Skywalker asked about Dinn and Lumiya's whereabouts. In the year 25 ABY, the galaxy was invaded by a previously-unknown extra-galactic species, the Yuuzhan Vong. Skywalker sought advice and preparation on the concept of sniping a target and was given a tour of the GAG's intelligence headquarters by intelligence leader Heol Girdun. Even Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo's own sister, recommended to Luke Skywalker that he find another teacher for Ben. Skywalker wept as the two sped away, mourning the loss of his friend, all the while pleading to Shevu to go back to the spaceport and pick Lekauf back up. For two years the galaxy struggled to rebuild from the devastating conflict, and Daala's administration fostered a widespread anti-Jedi sentiment throughout her constituents, resulting in tensions between the Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance government. Skywalker admitted that he had gone to Vulpter to kill Gejjen on Solo's orders, infuriating Mara Jade.[25]. Skywalker succeeded in reaching the realm with Rhondi and caught up with Luke, who explained that Seek Ryontarr had been stalling him from finding out what Jacen Solo had experienced there. Shevu concurred that Caedus was likely Mara Jade's killer, and Skywalker asked him for help in his investigation. [15] Elections to select a new Chief of State were held in 28 ABY, with New Republic Advisory Councilman Cal Omas winning in a landslide. While under the care of his cousin Jacen, Ben slowly opened himself up to the Force. [32], The Skywalkers and Vestara tracked down Abeloth to Nam Chorios. Before they fought, Luke Skywalker asked him to leave the GAG, but he refused, saying that Jacen Solo and the Galactic Alliance needed him. That proposal was rejected by Luke Skywalker, who believed that if Corellia truly wanted independence, they should have it. Their mission complete, Solo and Skywalker escaped the plant itself by hitching a ride on the top of a turbolift car, using Skywalker's grapnel hook to get a grip on the building—pulling them outside—and subsequently using a series of Force acrobatics to escape. When infiltrating the Jedi Temple, Ben defeated numerous Sith despite being heavily outnumbered. They deduced that Abeloth would be seeking them as she had other Force sensitives. [24] Indeed, others such as Jagged Fel were shocked about how much Skywalker had grown emotionally. After a quick kiss, it's Ben's turn to depart the mortal realm. In The Rise of Skywalker, Leia, Rey and Kylo all fall victim to this mysterious Jedi-itis, collapsing with an implicit exhaustion that isn't always visually apparent. [23], Try as he might, Skywalker was not able to make his father activate his lightsaber. He raced to the camp to save his daughter but was hit in the abdomen by a shard of durasteel, mortally wounding him. He was then visited by his parents, who were quite worried upon hearing of his brush with the rioters. From there they tracked her to the planet Dathomir. Skywalker checked the spaceport's registry and found that the shuttle belonged to a Commenor native named Brisha Syo, who was not present at the time. [7], In the wake of the terrorist attacks that shook Coruscant, Cal Omas and Coruscanti Senator G'vli G'Sil had an idea: a secret police force active on Coruscant, utilized to counter Corellian terrorist activity. This made defending against the subsequent waves much more efficient. Due to the anguish that he felt in the Force during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ben closed himself off from the Force, hiding his presence from his family and friends. Lando finally arrived with a surprise, Jaina, who had come in hopes of assisting the Skywalkers in the dealing with the Sith. Skywalker and Shevu were locked in a GAG cell and tortured repeatedly by Caedus' droid SD-XX. When the Skywalkers attempted to treat him, they were stopped by a Gotal in a pre-Great Jedi Purge Jedi robe who had descended from the ceiling, who told the Skywalkers they were doing more harm than good. In 40 ABY, Skywalker traveled with Solo on a covert mission to the world of Adumar to investigate whether the Dammant Killers missile-manufacturing plant was selling arms to planets that had become close to rebellion in the few years between 36 ABY and 40 ABY. They were met upon landing by an Aing-Tii named Tadar'Ro, who acted as their liaison with the Aing-Tii Monks. The two were telepathically contacted by the Aing-Tii aboard the ship, who stated that the Skywalkers needed to be tested. While Ben was monitoring his father, Stadd suddenly broke free from his room and charged for the exit of the ship. However, more kept coming, and the Skywalkers were forced to fight their way back to the Jade Shadow. The CSF detachment quickly became surrounded by angry crowds, ready to explode into violence at any moment. His offer was rejected by everyone aboard and, continuing his efforts to apprehend Han Solo, tried to stop the others from repairing the Falcon. They landed on the moon, quickly finding Solo and Zekk, who were still alive. Cha Niathal, the acting Chief of State during Omas' absence, declared her and Solo joint Chiefs of State of the Galactic Alliance. In an attempt to ingratiate themselves with the clans, the Skywalkers participated in their Games, where Luke and Han won a few competitions. [9], Skywalker was a forgiving person. After finishing his task for the day, Skywalker took a trip to the Fleet Command Center, where Cha Niathal gave him a tour of the facilities. Luke also recoiled at the suggestion to make Solo a Jedi Master on the basis of his great understanding of the Force.[23]. On the Shadow, Ben and Vestara awkwardly conversed with one another, and Vestara suggested they keep being nice to each other. [24] Skywalker was also good with reasoning and logic, something that impressed his father during some of their dialogues,[9] and was able to convince Anakin Sal-Solo that he was actually a droid. If Ben was defeated by Saal, Luke would abandon the subject. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The lack of clarity surrounding Ben's death highlights several problems with The Rise of Skywalker. Skywalker spent the time learning the stories of other Mind Walkers, who all were Force-sensitive, had all either been born in the Maw and spent time in the Maw, and all began experience terrible longings to return after Centerpoint Station's destruction. Sky blue[5] Skywalker was conflicted about turning in his friend, but ultimately decided to be loyal to Solo and give him Saiy's name. Soon afterward, he was reunited with the rest of his family on the planet Hapes. Although Dinn tried to convince Huarr to disarm himself, Solo decided to use the Force to disable the Y-wing and end the threat. Skywalker was met outside the GAG headquarters by Mara Jade, who had an injured face. Luke surmised that Koro Ziil might also be there, and demanded that he be allowed speak to him. Meanwhile, Skywalker continued to meet in secret with Lon Shevu, setting up a meeting with him in the Monument Plaza area of Coruscant. Ben was apprehensive about leaving as he feared for Vestara's safety, as Taalon was beating her. They explained that they were sent by Djo and Hapan Prince Isolder to retrieve Skywalker and extracted him from the cantina to their skiff, Blue Slipper. Tadar'Ro stated that it was time to journey to the Embrace, a series of caverns where the Relics were placed by the Aing-Tii, so they could examine the Relics. While aboard the Venture, Skywalker broke out into an uncontrollable fit of crying which his parents could not ease. The infant was later taken to stay with his aunt and uncle, Han and Leia Solo, in their home on Coruscant. Skywalker and Shevu went back to Coruscant to examine Caedus' StealthX starfighter for Mara Jade's hair, as finding some would all but confirm that Caedus was the guilty party. Ben was initially depressed when he heard that his parents were leaving, but he quickly cheered up when his cousin Jacen Solo promised to stay with him on Ossus in Luke and Mara's absence.[5]. He successfully tricked Lyster's greeter, Gilthor Breen, into leaving his job, giving him free space to open a viewport and climb outside. The Rover beat the Ducha's fleet to Hapes, where Skywalker broadcast an emergency warning to Djo and the Royal Navy. 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They were confronted by the Sith who found out that Vestara had killed Taalon. Shesh and her warriors fell for the bait and charged into the escape pod, hurling C-3PO back out into the bay. Solo also revealed to him something else; Corellian Head of State and Thrackan Sal-Solo's successor, Dur Gejjen, was behind the attempt on Tenel Ka Djo's life. Skywalker refused to divulge the location of the Jedi base, and Veila changed her methods. That night, Skywalker and Lekauf went to Vulpter, under the facade of Skywalker as Lekauf's younger cousin. Being traditionalists, they opposed the union between the clans and sent snakes to assassinate some of the men. Eventually Skywalker was able to convince Sal-Solo that he was not Anakin Solo. In a Hyperspace celebrity chat, Mark Hamill voiced his support of the decision of the EU authors to name Luke and Mara's son Ben, saying that "Pablo just told me about this. [5], Skywalker was a very curious and observant person and vowed to question everything he believed in, even the Force itself, before putting trust in any faith. Ben Solo (canon) Kylo Ren, a Force-sensitive human male, was the Supreme Leader of the First Order and master of the Knights of Ren during the New Republic Era.Once a promising student of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the former Ben Solo was neither Jedi nor Sith but a product of both philosophies. An angry and hurt Ben took Vestara back to the Jade Shadow to be treated for her injuries. [1], While Skywalker and the rest slept, the station came under attack by a mysterious black-armored commando force, catching them unaware. With his last breath, Omas asked Skywalker to forgive him. With the Skywalker family together once more, Mara Jade Skywalker resumed motherly duties for Ben. [1] Skywalker was gifted with an uncanny ability to remember things he had seen or heard in near perfect detail. Luke conveyed his agreement to the Aing-Tii's proposal and received coordinates to the Aing-Tii homeworld.[6]. When Luke and Gavar arrived, Gavar walked away with Vestara, while Luke and Ben went to retrieve Stadd. Shortly after his birth Skywalker accompanied his mother and father to Bilbringi, where his parents and a fellow Jedi, the Barabel Saba Sebatyne, watched an important meeting between New Republic representatives Han and Leia Organa Solo and the recently-captured Nom Anor. Leaving Rotham with the tassels, Skywalker and Solo went off to accompany Dinn on her duty. Skywalker made up for it somewhat with his cunning, and nearly injured his father in the match by pretending to be injured. Gejjen had gotten the position after Thrackan Sal-Solo was assassinated by renowned Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett, his granddaughter Mirta Gev, and Skywalker's uncle Han Solo, an assassination that was orchestrated by Gejjen. After returning to Coruscant, Solo and Skywalker were assigned a mission by Luke Skywalker: destroy or disable the ancient moon-sized space station Centerpoint Station. Under the eye of resident Jedi healer Cilghal, she was examined side-by-side with Ben's incapacitated Gorog friend. [26] A few years after Darth Caedus died at the conclusion of the Second Galactic Civil War, Skywalker grudgingly forgave his cousin, eventually overcoming his hatred to move on with his life. Skywalker was determined to discover the exact circumstances of Mara Jade's death and declared so to them. Afterward, Skywalker returned to the Corellian Quarter, with one objective in mind; to find Barit Saiy and ask what made him see Coruscanti as his enemy. [3], Ben was troubled by the fact that the Sith still existed due to the pain he received due to them, especially his cousin Jacen. Suddenly, Luke Skywalker appeared behind Caedus and attacked him. Thinking quickly, Lekauf took the Karpaki and went off creating a diversion, announcing that he was the one who had fired the killing shot and threatening to kill a hostage. Skywalker and Shevu returned to Endor on the freighter Spirit of Commerce with the evidence in tow, where they met with Luke. While in the jungle, they were ambushed by some of the Witches of Dathomir of the Raining Leaves Clan. The Sith betrayed the Skywalkers and began to fight Luke as well as Abeloth. When Luke laid his hands on the Codex, he was overcome by its power and told Skywalker that he had felt something strange, something out of harmony, coming from the Maw, where Skywalker had once stayed during the Yuuzhan Vong War more than a decade before. Species The organization was named the Galactic Alliance Guard, with Solo as a colonel and placed in charge of the 967 Commando squad. Determined, Skywalker set out for the station's repulsor control chamber. Skywalker correctly believed that Caedus was the killer and attempted to kill Caedus several times, including in a heated battle over Kashyyyk. They also had a conversation comparing their two fathers. Skywalker asked Solo to teach him how to hide his presence in the Force, a power that Solo had learned on his five-year sojourn away from the Jedi Order in the years following the Yuuzhan Vong War. Gaalan, who was starting to lose, used the arrival of Vestara Khai to escape from the elder Skywalker. Jade declined because the thought of a Jedi running a secret police force troubled her, so leadership was instead given to Jacen Solo. Tola had the Sabers attack them and each engaged an enemy in single combat. He escaped the prison facility with Shevu's body, which he shipped to his wife Shula on Vaklin. Amidst the sea of people, Skywalker caught sight of his acquaintance Barit Saiy, who had produced a blaster and was aiming it at one of the CSF officers. The damaged ship flew on, soon coming across something that the Jade Shadow's sensors identified as a medium-sized transport, but upon closer examination appeared to be a miniature Centerpoint Station, which had been destroyed two years before. Along with the droid named Shaker, he took the Y-wing and flew to Ziost. [1], Inside the control room at last, Skywalker looked for the main control console. Mara Skywalker was shocked by Ben's military-like mannerisms, as being around the adult males of the GAG had caused him to imitate them without knowing. One of the keys to the Alliance war effort was the sentient planet Zonama Sekot—the seed of the original Yuuzhan Vong planet, Yuuzhan'tar, that had made its way to Ben's galaxy. Angered, Ziil attacked Luke with the Force, causing a duel of Force powers which Luke won. [Source]. When they finally reached the Embrace, the Skywalkers got to work examining each one for any insight that could be gleaned from it. [22], Across the galaxy, in the Unknown Regions, the Swarm War raged on. Chronological and political information Bwua'tu had impounded their ship, the Millennium Falcon, in the Utegetu Nebula for breaking the Alliance blockade placed on the region. Although Force healing was a prominent part of the Star Wars expanded universe, it's still a relatively fresh addition to new canon. However, Ben and Vestara were only held due to being underage. Solo, citing the increase of support for Corellia among Galactic Alliance constituents, asked Omas to declare war on Corellia, since he believed that war was inevitable anyway. Skywalker reported the suspicious nature of the shuttle to Lorrd Security Force Lieutenant Neav Samran and placed a tracking device on the shuttle's hull in case Syo sneaked aboard and discreetly left. Mara was stunned by the news and immediately rushed into Ben's room and forced Ben to confess that he had been hiding the Killik. The Skywalkers immediately sought medical care once aboard the Star Destroyer, and Mara Jade's condition was rapidly worsening. The Embrace of Pain was a rack-like torture device made by the Yuuzhan Vong, which had been used by Vergere on Caedus after he was captured on Myrkr. 26.5 ABY (61:9), Errant Venture[2] [22], Over the next several years, Ben Skywalker continued to train with Jacen Solo, becoming his apprentice. The joint forces of the Jedi Coalition, Confederation, and Mandalorians, joined later by the surprise attack of Admiral Natasi Daala's Maw Irregular Fleet, won a massive victory over Caedus' Galactic Alliance forces and the Imperial Remnant. As both of his parents were Jedi, they were unable to spend time with him as they fought in the war, so Skywalker was taken care of by his aunt and uncle, former Rebel heroes Han and Leia Solo. , Crucible–class to kill Caedus failed to destroy the fighter, ending psychosis... 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The Sith ship that he had taken off a way out of it Dorin afterward... Into Omas ' residence, they reached the bridge of the guilty party and accused Caedus of trying shoot... 'S quarters and freed her the killing boy on the ship, leaving Ben once. 'S disobedience, ordered him to protect Kiara featured in all nine novels striking Jade... Side of the Sith believed to be one of Allana 's protectors brought... Duel with Caedus on the beach, she captured Luke and Jaina Solo were quickly separated from....